Tag Archives: subway

Nagoya Metro


It is quite amazing the order amongst people waiting for the metro in Nagoya, Japan in april 2013. Waiting in orderly queues and when the train arrives everybody steps aside and let everybody exit the train before entering. The yellow marks notes the place where the door will be when the train has stopped. In some places I also saw white lines on the floor that marked the queue. Not the wild west of Swedish metros and train stations where everybody tries to enter the train before the people leaving the train has really left the train. I was very impressed.

Just now it is much more chaos when going aboard the local bus in Malmö, Sweden,  where I live as they have closed the front door which was the entrance to the bus before to protect the bus driver so people have to board and and get off the bus on the other doors which has led to more crowding when boarding and getting off. So I wish for the discipline of these folks queuing to board the train.