Boring Postcards

Borås town hall from the same spot as the photo taken by a postcard photographer from "Boring Postcards" many years ago.
Borås town hall from the same spot as the photo taken by a postcard photographer from “Boring Postcards” many years ago.

Last year I was introduced to the book “Boring Postcards” by a co-worker where I worked then.  I had talked about my site Weekly Weather with a colleague and compared some of my pictures with the pictures in a book I have heard of but never seen. The book is named  “Boring postcards” (Tråkiga vykort). My colleague had the book and kindly let me have a look in it. I was very happy when he gave me the book as a parting gift as well. Inspired by the book I took a modern replica of the city hall in Borås from the same angle as the postcard reprinted in the book is taken from. A quite funny little book with postcards from the 1950s and the 1960s with postcards of the most mundane buildings and places. The kind of places and buildings I often think are boring to photograph and think is tough to make interesting photographs of. But if no one takes any photographs of these building they will remain undocumented and no one will know how it looked during this period. The book “Boring postcards” is out of print but there is another one called “More boring postcards” still available and the front can be seen here in a small picture.

So this blog will be about boring postcards, ordinary pictures from the beaten paths where I travel.  Those that know me from my other blogs know that I am mainly an urban person that travel on the tarred and paved streets of cities sometimes taking detours to the countryside. Most of my blogs are photography blogs and my main blogs get updated at least once a week. The pictures on this blog will probably have been published before on one of my other blogs.

To get to know more about me please visit From My Horizon and Weekly Weather.

4 thoughts on “Boring Postcards”

  1. Reblogged this on From My Horizon and commented:

    Last week I accidentally reblogged the second post on my new blog Boring Postcards instead of the first so I will remedy this today. Here comes the first blog post I made on Borng Postcards. A new post from one of my journeys through ordinary is scheduled for today on Boring Postcards at 14,00 central European time. I hope you will enjoy that one as well and I wish you all a happy weekend!


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